Affordable Housing Impact Study on Jamboree Residents

Report Reveals Economic, Educational, Social Effects On Residents

Prior to living in a Jamboree community, two out of three residents were unable to afford food. And, 95% of residents made less than $50,000 annually, while 58% were paying more than they could afford in rent.

Once they move to one of Jamboree’s quality affordable housing communities, how have residents’ lives change? Jamboree commissioned a study of residents living in Jamboree’s portfolio of family properties throughout northern and southern California to explore the economic, educational, and social impact of those living in a Jamboree affordable housing development.

In the first of Jamboree’s studies to quantify the impact of affordable housing on its residents who live in our properties, the study asked:

  • How does living in a Jamboree affordable housing development impact a resident’s economic well-being?
  • How does living in a Jamboree affordable housing development impact a resident’s educational experiences in local public schools?
  • How does living in a Jamboree affordable housing development impact a resident’s social well-being and engagement in the community?

How do residents benefit when they spend less on rent?

  • Nearly half of Jamboree residents now have money to spend on more and better food, savings, health insurance and education.
  • 72% of residents report being able to keep a steady job.
  • Jamboree residents report a reduction in their use of public services – a cost savings of more than $8.7 million each year!

How does a more permanent home effect how the children of residents do in school?

  • 41% of residents’ children do better in school when they live in a safe, steady home.
  • Parents are more likely to have time to engage with teachers.
  • Children attend school more regularly.

How does quality affordable housing create community?

  • A staggering 91% of residents feel safer in their Jamboree home than in their previous home.
  • Feeling safe encourages community participation – 51% of residents join in community celebrations.
  • Quality housing nurtures neighborhood involvement – 35% of residents engage in surrounding neighborhood activities.

Want to learn more?

Together, we can build even more quality affordable housing to create even greater impact:

  • Download the Jamboree Affordable Housing Impact infographic for a quick overview.
  • See the full Jamboree Affordable Housing Impact report.
  • Subscribe to Jamboree’s monthly News & Updates to learn more about Jamboree, our affordable developments and the unique services we provide to residents.
  • Contact Natalie Reider, Senior Vice President, Community Operations, if interested in a presentation that explores how to conduct affordable housing research that fuels vision, drives program improvement, increases community support, and improves building design to transform lives and create community change.
  • Connect with Roger Kinoshita, Jamboree Senior Director of Business Development, for infographics with municipality-specific findings including: Orange County, Anaheim, Buena Park, Inland Empire, Irvine, Long Beach, Santa Ana and San Diego.
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